Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

How to write a travelogue ?

     Travelogue is a speech, movie, or piece of writing about someone's experiences while traveling.  Travelogue, like any other piece of writing, is an art. A good travelogue is a good piece of writing which is enjoyed by the readers as well as offers valuable guidance. These are some tips to write a good travelogue:
     The first step to write a travelogue is define the objective. You need to spend a good amount of quality time in writing a good article. Do you want to educate the readers, just narrate your experience or present your research. The objective needs to be very clear and the whole writing needs to follow that objective. Don’t forget to make it special. Nobody is interested in reading the well known facts about any place. You can make your travelogue worth reading by including some special things like unknown facts about the place, some different spellings or pronounciation of names. And of course include the pictures of all such experiences. People love reading personalized experiences.
     The second step is give your travelogue a tone and story. Don’t write your travelogue like a research paper. Make it personalized. Add a story to it. Add some tone to it. Don’t start with the basic facts. Start with something which will interest the reader. Give your personal recommendations, do’s and don’ts. That will add your flavor to it.
     You can also uses dialogue where possible to help the story “happen” for the reader. So, you can write your travelogue with some guidance above. You can also add some style of your writing to make it more interesting.

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