Selasa, 29 April 2014


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Recently, internet not a taboo thing that used by people. Everyone has been using internet. The Increase of using internet makes ‘a media’ rose to connect among user. That’s called “Social Media.”
            Social Media is a media to socialize among people in the world of internet. There are many kinds of social media. Facebook, Twitter and  Instagram are kinds of social media that got high attention among others. Those kinds of social media have many users from whole the world.
            Facebook  sat on the high rank because of the complete and update facilities. The complete facilities make Facebook more admiring. For the second place is Twitter with simple and elegant design. Then Instagram in the last place compare Facebook and Twitter. Even though in the last place, Instagram user increases every time. 
            Activity on social media was many. Started from adding friends facility, sharing experiences or feeling with updating status, until uploading photos there. The last was the most activity on social media. Just see when we sign in social media, there are many people uploading their own photos. That’s well known with “selfie.”
            Selfie is taking photo with their own self. Then the selfie agent usually uploads it into social media. That activity becomes privacy habit for the agent. Taking and uploading selfie photos is their daily activity. The activity that abundant to leave. My friend said, 
“I love to take photos every where and any where as much as like and upload them on my account.”
Narcissistic with their own camera makes them happy. Taking photo with the style they like. Upload the photo on social media as much as they like. The selfie agent will happier if there many people like their photos and give many good comments. Then they will more taking and uploading their photos on social media.
        Not all people like the activity we love. Just like doing selfie. The selfie agent love to narcissistic with the great style and much photos then upload them on social media. Then user of social media will see the photos. The selfie agent certainly loves their activity, but the other people may not.  Actually there were some people disturbed with their activity.

            Disturbing other? Why not? Actually, on social media the selfie agent usually uploads the photos one until five each day. Is there any people were disturbed with the activity? Certainly, yes! Like another of my friends told me, 
“Absolutely their activity disturbed me. See the photos with the same face, the same nose, and the same people even the same name certainly disturb other people and it makes other people feel bored.
            Order the selfie agent to stop their activity certainly not easy. Moreover, doing selfie was a habit and a kind of daily activity. A habit that can not leaving easily. Doing selfie was an addiction or even the drug for the agent on social media.
            How can doing selfie be the drug? Yes it can! The selfie agent absolutely felt like an actress. Moreover there were people give a good comment on photos they uploaded. The selfie agent will be excited and exist on social media. Then they will not leave that habit.
            If the selfie agent not uploaded their photos on social media, they will feel lost something. Feel something go away, and flat in they life. Certainly because of selfie was the drug. An addiction which can’t leave and throw away directly. That’s right! Selfie is the drug on social media.

Posted by Shofia Asri

Selfie Around the World

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Now day selfie is very popular in this world. Selfie is a self portrait photograph, taken with a hand held digital camera or phone camera. The art of selfie is that one lot of people has practiced in this year. It is because selfie has good style and easy to do, selfie can do by own it makes us easy to take picture without someone help. There many styles when we do the selfie like casual, taken in front of mirror, etc. Everyone has own opinion about selfie. Some people say if the selfie was good and the other says was bad. Actually selfie was good as long as we p ractice normally.

Selfie Become Popular
Unavoidable, selfie was new sensational that exist and booming. It is possible if the selfie is the most prevalent popular genre ever. 
Most of people do selfie
Yeah selfie become new style. Many people do selfie and has own reason why they do selfie. Like you know not only teenagers but also adult do selfie, Above all the student. Whereas the people of government also selfie, Like as: Barach Obama the president of USA do the selfie with his ministers, and many others. Usually the majority do the selfie was women, but today we often men do the selfie in social network.
Most of people upload selfie in social media
More perfect beside people do the selfie they also has container to share their picture. Most people use the social media to share their picture, social media as container the human’s expression. The reasons why they upload their picture in social media are they want the other user of social network give opinion about that picture, or they want to show where he or she is, and what do they do. Kinds of social networking that often used to share the pictures are facebook, instagram, etc.

Selfie happen because of sophisticated technology
The technology in our life more sophisticated that make easy the people to do selfie. many facilities that exist in the phone like front camera so that more easy to take picture although by own.

Selfie Influence Our Social life
selfie can influence our life. Unavoidable without we aware every day we follow that habit and sometimes we comment or critics when someone upload their picture.

Selfie make us narcissist
When we do selfie we not only need one time, we collect as much as possible, and then we chose the best one so upload in social networks. Sometimes we also upload the photos that have different style That show if we are narcissist. 

Selfie Show Our Expression
With do the selfie we can free to express our mood. Sometimes the selfie can decrease if we feel bored, or when we feel happy, sad we always do the selfie. we can show to the other what our feeling.
Indeed selfie is so difficult to avoid. Although many people judge the selfie is bad or not suitable to publish because most people share the vulgar picture, but most of them always practice selfie wherever because they don’t want loss their moment(special moment)

posted by Syafaatul Udma

Whether selfie or not ??

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         Facebook is the kind of social media which is axist in this era. Facebook had already  spreed to all of people in fact in children. Almost all of people have facebook to share the activity on it. Facebook also can be place to reunion with friend, but beside that facebook is more popular from the others social media (tweeter, instagram, skype, and ect ). On facebook we can see much activity over there. Like you can share your problem, your think at that moment, or you can massage with the others friend you can also uploading video or picture and ect. On it we also can see the profil of your friend, in profil you can see the activity and also the picture and you can download the picture to your history to. With the simple method we easy to study. It makes all of people want to have a facebook. You also can spent you free time to chat with your friend.
            After you study about what facebook is, now you must know what the thing become popular on facebook. With many case you can do it at there of course the popular one is uploading picture, almost every people hunting nice place to take a picture and uploading on facebook. Sometime some people take picture alone. Tha name of that is selfie.

            Selfie is take a picture alone without helping other people by your smartphone or webcame and uploading to social media. “selfie” word had already installation from oxford dictionaries as word of the year. Selfie also can call as immortalize our self by smartphone. From the English language is “self portrait” (selfie).
            Selfie every people are different. There are selfie on the badroom and pose after wake up from slept. Selfie on dinning room and pose with the food will you eat, selfie in front of your house and pose you reading some book. With your friend and pose bad face and ect. Many pose you can pose with selfie. But imposible for me to explain you all.
            Now, you must know why selfie become dangerous for the people. Expecially if you selfie and uploading on faceboo. Of course all of people can see your picture. And after that your picture can change with dangerous.
            I will explain you the effects of selfie. Your picture on facebook can downloading from all of people. Your picture can change the body or clothes or the other with picart. The face is yours but the others is not. After the picture change your picture can uploading again but with forward different expecially people don’t like you. They can make problem with you with your picture.
            And the impact if your picture has forward and uploading to social media expecially facebook. All your friend have know and negative thing about you  but the fact is, that is not you. Just your face not your body or your place that you take a picture.
            Indeed, don’t take a picture alone or selfie alone. Because that can make a big problem and before that you must anticipate. 

Posted by Forsa Rafflesia 

Facebook; The New Planet that Grown by Narcis Aliens

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Narcissistic has developed in this modern era, especially on social media like Facebook. Facebook likes the new planet that many people living there. Some of them are narcis aliens for a thousands narcis they belong. They work every time and everyday for creating narcissistic and spreading it for other people. They always appear in the home on Facebook for sharing their narcissistic proudly. Their ways to share the narcissistic by posting status that called narcis status and uploading photo that called narcis photo. Narcis status and narcis photo have far comparison very much. The far comparison is its characteristics. The different of characteristics can show narcis status or narcis photo.
The first characteristic of narcis status on Facebook is show off the feelings by words. People have strong feelings and sense of their own heart. They also have many words for expressing it. Show their feelings every time to their friends and parent. The feeling such as sad, happy, annoying, or bored is often heard, but how about the narcissistic feelings? And show off it on Facebook? Here, narcissistic feelings mean that people feel if they are beautiful or handsome. Usually, the narcis aliens no doubt posting that feeling by words on Facebook. It likes spread an announcement if they have nice face. Whereas, keep it by themselves is better than shoe it to every people. Also, they should use Facebook for good something like updating motivate status or information.
The last characteristic of narcis status is show off invisible narcissistic directly. Why narcis status is invisible narcissistic directly? It is because narcis just showed by words, they make a sentence or more that explain about their best body like sexy lip, white skin, tall body, etc  with connotative sentence or common sentence. Then, posting it and hope that other people can read it clearly or give comment and thumb for a like. But, th forget something that not all people want to read it, because most of people on Facebook often past the unknown status, especially for reading narcis by narcis aliens. Also, they forget most important something that they just be smart for saying the beautifulness and handsomeness by words without give proof that it is really real. That is really narcis status that invisible narcissistic direct by eyes.
Different with the first and second characteristics of narcis status posted on Facebook, the first characteristic of nrcis photo uploaded on Facebook  is show off the nice face by photos. This characteristic has become general in the world of narcissistic, especially social media like Facebook. Narcis photo means that take pictures with many styles everywhere and every time. Many styles here are styles that unnatural. The examples are chick puffed up, the fingers create like peace sign, put the index finger in front of the lip, and so on. Everywhere and every time mean that people usually doing narcis photo in every place they visited and forgetting about the time the have. They show off their nice face to public on Faebook for making sure that they are very handsome or beautiful and have many experiences go to every place. Different with narcis status, narcis photo more give proof that they are really handsome and beautiful, but with the note if it is no editing photo before.
The last characteristic of narcis photo is show off visible narcissistic directly. It is the second different between narcis status and narcis photo. Like before, narcis status shows off invisible narcissistic directly, it is because just showed by words. Different with narcis photo that showed by photos or pictures. The photos that uploaded on Facebook will be seen by other people. The photos are the authentication that they are beautiful or handsome. Although that, it is still the narcissistic. Because the styles are unnatural and stange. It means that narcis photo more visible directly than narcis status.

In conclusion, the new planet that called Facebook has comparison characteristics of narcissistic between narcis status and naecis photo. That new palet has many aliens living over there. They are like sharing their narcissistic to every people, either it is narcis status or narcis photo. Narcis status just show off the narcissistic feelings by words and invisible directly if it is narcissistic. But, different with narcis photo which show off the nice face by photo and visible directly   if it is really narcissistic. Those characteristics have existed and spread on Facebook. The new planet that grown by many narcis aliens over there. Be careful for those aliens, maybe we are them.

Posted by Rini Hardiyantini 

Senin, 28 April 2014

The Impact of Social Media and Narcissistic

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Nowadays, our teenagers already smart with the approachment of social media and narcissistic. This technology bring a big changing to our teenagers, for example, their behaviour, habitually, and even their future. The narcissistic in the social media also make our teenagers nowadays become have more confidence. But, not all confidence bring a good effect for teenagers. This technology could bring bad impact for our teenagers, although they may can learn the modern technology but they may also cannot avoid the bad impact.

The Impact for Their Daily Life
Before the technology of social media and narcissistic approach, teenagers in the past have a high politeness to the older people. Their parents taught them to be polite to everyone, even with the other teenagers or friends. The teenagers in the past also do not refute what their parent said to them.
Nowadays, the teenagers have less of care to what their parent said and more care to their social media like facebook, twitter, and so on. After that's all, teenagers have brave to refute their parents just for concentrate on their social media. Narcissistic also make them have more confidence to show off their photo, etc.

The Impact for Their Education Life
Teenagers in the past have more respect to their teacher and even shy to speak up in front of them. They have a high repect and always listen to what their teacher explain in front of the class. Teenagers in the past also will do their assignment on time and more diligent to study.
Teenagers nowadays, have braveness and high confidence to speak up in front of their teacher. The teenagers or students even brave to speak with the slang language to their teacher. This social media and narcissistic taught them the slang language through the chat or on the group in their social media.

The Impact for Their Future
Before the approachment of social media and narcissistic, teenagers will focus and more serious to thinking about their future. They will focus on how to reach their ambition. So, they will struggle and do their best to get their success.

After the approachment of social media and narcissistic teenagers nowadays will not focus and serious to thinking their future and their ambition. they will just focus on chatting or uploading or searching on their social media. It will bring a bad habit and make them lazy to struggle on reaching their success.
Our teenagers become think more modernly and changing after the approachment of social media and narcissistic. This changing make a big differences between teenagers in the past and teenagers in modern era. So, if social media and narcissistic become more sophisticated in the next era, our teenagers should be more careful to keep their behaviour and habitually.

Posted by Oky Gresyaningrum 

The Threat of Selfie for Generation Today

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Selfie is a word that is added in Oxford Dictionary on August 2013, and defined as 2013’s Word of The Year in Online Oxford Dictionary. Selfie is photographing yourself or self-potrait, especially using smartphone or webcam, then uploaded to Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Nowdays, selfie-trend become very popular. Why?. Selfie become very popular because with selfie, we can actively adjust the image that our show. Besides that, the development of advanced technology, almost all of smartphones have camera features, so people can do selfie easily. But selfie have many negative effects for us that can influence our life.

Increasing narcissisme in society

Usually, selfie is used as medium to show off that they are beautiful, sexy, handsome, attractive, fashionable and so on. Generally, selfie is done by them when they feel glamour and fashionable, or when they want to show what are they doing. Often upload selfie-photos, describe increasing narcissisme in society. It also led to the emergence of public perception, that the most important are appearance and physical beauty. People who narcissistic glad to boast about themself and hope others give praise. They want the people’s attention. By they do selfie, upload in the social media, and get the feedback such as “like” or comment, they will feel recognized, get social acceptance and appreciation in the environment. That’s a basic human need. If selfie is doing with over, selfie has considerable harm potential to them self-esteem. Without realizing it, they will depend on the appreciation of the outside, like by number of “likes” and comments of others. So, the purpose they are narciss, because they want get praise from others.

Increasing the manipulating or editing in selfie-photos
Nowdays, by the development of advance technology and many people in the world use smartphone, many selfie-photos that were uploaded in social media are photo editing. Photo editing is one of applications in smartphone that can manipulate and change the photo more beautiful. People who manipulating or editing their selfie-photo with Photo-editor application, their selfie-photo will be more beautiful or handsome than fact, because the purpose of editing is make perfect image. That case make they depend with editing application in every their image. And It cause they don’t appreciate the creation of God, they feel unsatisfied with the physic that they have. So, for them it is better to editing the first before they upload their selfie-photo in social media.

In conclusion, social media like Facebook and Instagram were created as medium to self-expression and communicate with others. Selfie is not prohibited,  but considering selfie can influence our life style become bad, so  people should use it wisely and not over. So that the generations are not become worst by the development of advance technology today Iike trend selfie.

Posted by Iswari Puji

Be Careful of BlackBerry Messenger!

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            Social media haven’t foreign to our ears, the kind of variants forms of social media has to offer which certainly have benefits and influence each for humans. One of the examples of social media is BlackBerry Messenger. Of course we know this one of social media. BlackBerry messenger is a social media to communicate with other people by smartphone. Here, apparently the applications of BBM have negative effects ad negative influences for users.
            BBM has negative effects. For the first, BBM cause addiction. When someone or user use application of BBM, they will search to know about all of menu that there in BBM. And when they had known and understood. They will more interest to the application and instead will difficult to regardless from their smartphone because had addiction into use BBM and they had happy with their smartphone. The second, BBM can disturb for sleeping. When the user of BBM had addiction use BBM, certainly they are difficult to leave their smartphone even for a moment and even although it was time to sleep and take a rest. Quite often the user of BBM so sensitive when their smartphone ringing. So that easily awakened from their sleep to open incoming messengers because most people put their smartphone in bed. So that when their smartphone ringing, the user will awakened from their sleep and it has disturb for sleeping. The third BBM can finger crime. Application of social media used as a container for committing a crime, like deception and kidnapping. In Indonesia had any people who trapped into this snare, especially the student because they are always want to know and try. In BBM application include the photo from the user. So, they have a free to upload their photo. With that many user who cheated with the picture that there in BBM. If the student or the user take a wrong way, they will trapped into free sex.
            BBM also has negative influences for student. For the first, BBM can forget of the time. It’s mean that user of BBM will often forget the time. Like, forget to eat, t learn, to do assignment. Because had busy with their Smartphone. So, they can’ regardless from their Smartphone with always use BBM with their friends or their special someone. So that any time that not appears. The second, BBM can cause too difficult to concentrate.  The student who use BBM, certainly difficult to concentration in the class when study. Because of, the students had addiction with application of BBM and always think their BBM. BBM able to make student do two things at the same time (multitasking) and disposed make someone difficulty to pervade the information that cause their focus easily changing from one thing to other thing. Like, Dr. David W Goodman, director of psychological disorders center said that, “as multitasker, their brain fulfilled many information, the cause they are not selective again to sort the important information quickly. The third, BBM also can spend much money. The name is social media, where the smartphone need vouchers to buy quota so that can use the application of BBM. Mostly often use BBM application, so we spent much money. And actually the student are not need use the BBM, Why/ because many features that unsuitable to student.
            Many people use social media like BBM without know the influence and effects of BBM. So that many of them got suffered.  It is not wrong use application of BBM, origin not abuse and know the time, when the time to use BBM and when is it not.

Posted By Rusmatul Wardah 

Minggu, 06 April 2014


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Reading is a good habit. A good habit is not only refresh our mind but also give us an advantage for our health and our brain. Beside that, reading make people have a lot of knowledge and information. At least, there are four benefit for reading are: 

First, reading coached brain. One of  profit by reading is for coached brain and mind. Reading can make brain always operate it function perfectly. When we read, our brain claimed for thinking. So it will make us more and more clever. 

Second, reading can help out stress. Stress is one factor that can make a lot of dangerous disease. The beauty of written language have an ability for set a mind at rest and help out stress. Especially reading fiction book before sleep. 

Third, reading prevent risk Alzheimer; one of malignancy  that attack brain. Because reading really upgrade setting brain strength. Reading also enamoring and stimulate brain consecutively. 

Fourth, reading increase our concentration. People that like reading will have brain concentration and more focus. With this focus the reader will have full attention in this life. And it also evolving objective skill when make a decision. 

Reading is not only refresh our mind but also give us an advantage for our health and our brain. Filling up unoccupied time with reading is good solution. Then, don’t filling up time just for watching television and play game but please also vacate the time for reading, because reading is useful for brain and health. 

Posted by Shofia Asri