Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Analyze a poem by using Riffatere


Easing the thing
Into spurts of activity
Before the emptiness of late afternoon
Is a kind of will power

Balring back its received vision
From a thousand tennement windows
Just before night
Its signal fading
             Tarpaulin draws that chances are real. Don’t waste the time and try to make life more beautiful. For the first stanza in this poem, in the first and second line, there are words that,” Easing the thing into spurts of activity”. It means that, belittle the thing in this life, thought life is full of problem, assignment or duty, and obligation.in the third line, there are words that, “ Before the emptiness o late afternoon”. It means that, before we get anything in the rest of our life. And in the last line in the first stanza, there are words that, “ is kind of power” it means that, it the ways to get something real in life. It there is related meaning between  the one line and the other line in this stanza.
            In the second or the last stanza in this poem meaning about we as human who life in this world. Don’t belittle things in this life because life just only one. Here we should get again the things that had belittle before. In the first line, there are words that, “ Blaring back its received vision” it means that, get again a purpose that we want before. So, we must try to get it. And in the second line, there are words that, “From a thousand tenemet windows” it means that there are many chances that we have in this life. And in the third and the last line, there are words that Just before night. Its signal fading”. It means that, before the death come to us and there is no chance to breath again. So, as long as the chances to do something real in this life so, don’t waste the time. Take the chances to make life more beautiful.

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